Integrations for Any Size & Scale.
Full. Jumpstart. Or No Integration at All. We’ve Got You Covered.
DoseSpot understands that ePrescribing is not a one-size-fits-all model. That’s why we’ve built all of DoseSpot’s functionality into three unique integration offerings. You can get started today or let our best-in-class implementation team guide you through a fully integrated onboarding process. You’ll still reap all the benefits of DoseSpot – from core ePrescribing to patient engagement.
We offer solutions for any size customer
Full Integration
Ultimate Customization for ePrescribing
Build your fully customized ePrescribing platform from the ground up with access to over +140 APIs, enhanced development tools, and unlimited customization capabilities.
Jumpstart Integration
Seamless ePrescribing Integration in 30 Days
Effortlessly transform your healthcare operations with Jumpstart’s customizable, plug-and-play interface. The jumpstart integration can accommodate up to 70 APIs.
TreatRx Integration
ePrescribe non-controlled substances in 24 hours
Tap into a robust, standalone ePrescribing solution integrated with controlled and non-controlled ePrescribing capabilities and the same level of price transparency as full and jumpstart integrations.